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Pipa, dup2 dan exec()

Anda harus menutup semua deskriptor pipa di proses induk dan proses anak (setelah duplikasi dalam proses anak). Dalam kode Anda, masalah utamanya adalah, wc proses tidak keluar karena masih ada penulis (karena proses induk belum menutup akhir penulisan). Perubahan ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Saya juga menambahkan waitpid dalam proses induk untuk menunggu wc proses.

pid_t pid;
int fd[2];

pid = fork();

    execlp(firstcmd, firstcmd, frsarg, (char*) NULL);
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execute '%s'\n", firstcmd);

        dup2(fd[READ_END], STDIN_FILENO);
        execlp(scmd, scmd, secarg,(char*) NULL);
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execute '%s'\n", scmd);
        int status;
        waitpid(pid, &status, 0);

Hm, cukup dekat. Anda ketinggalan untuk menangani close pada beberapa deskriptor file setelah fork.

Berikut ini beberapa referensi:

  1. Tentang pipa,
  2. Tentang deskriptor file,

Ini kode saya:

#include  <fcntl.h>                              //
#include  <stdio.h>                              //
#include  <stdlib.h>                             //
#include  <string.h>                             //
#include  <sys/types.h>                          //
#include  <sys/wait.h>                           //
#include  <sys/stat.h>                           //
#include  <termios.h>                            //
#include  <unistd.h>                             //
#define INPUT_END 1                              // INPUT_END means where the pipe takes input
#define OUTPUT_END 0                             // OUTPUT_END means where the pipe produces output
int main(int argc, char* argv[])                 //
{                                                //
    pid_t pid1;                                  // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output]                       (of the parent process)
    pid_t pid2;                                  //
    int fd[2];                                   //
    pipe(fd);                                    // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[0] -> pipe_input, fd[1] -> pipe_output]
    pid1 = fork();                               //
    if(pid1==0)                                  //
    {                                            // I am going to be the wc process (i.e. taking input from the pipe)
        close(fd[INPUT_END]);                    // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[1] -> pipe_output] (of the WC process)
        dup2(fd[OUTPUT_END], STDIN_FILENO);      // [STDIN -> pipe_output, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[1] -> pipe_output]    (of the WC process)
        close(fd[OUTPUT_END]);                   // [STDIN -> pipe_output, STDOUT -> terminal_output]                          (of the WC process)
        execlp("wc", "wc", "-l",(char*) NULL);   //
    }                                            //
    else                                         //
    {                                            //
        pid2=fork();                             //
        if(pid2==0)                              //
        {                                        // I am going to be the ls process (i.e. producing output to the pipe)
            close(fd[OUTPUT_END]);               // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[0] -> pipe_input] (of the ls process)
            dup2(fd[INPUT_END], STDOUT_FILENO);  // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> pipe_input, fd[0] -> pipe_input]      (of the ls process)
            close(fd[INPUT_END]);                // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> pipe_input]                           (of the ls process)
            execlp("ls","ls","-l",(char*) NULL); //
        }                                        //
        close(fd[OUTPUT_END]);                   // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output, fd[0] -> pipe_input] (of the parent process)
        close(fd[INPUT_END]);                    // [STDIN -> terminal_input, STDOUT -> terminal_output]                      (of the parent process)
        waitpid(-1, NULL, 0);                    // As the parent process - we wait for a process to die (-1) means I don't care which one - it could be either ls or wc
        waitpid(-1, NULL, 0);                    // As the parent process - we wait for the another process to die.
                                                 // At this point we can safely assume both process are completed
    }                                            //
}                                                //

  1. Perbedaan Antara [[ $a ==Z* ]] Dan [ $a ==Z* ]?

  2. ${!foo} Dan Zsh?

  3. Apa itu Exec 3?

  1. Pthreads Dan Vfork?

  2. Raspberry Pi 4 dan Kali

  3. Implementasi beberapa pipa di C

  1. Komunikasi antar-proses di Linux:Menggunakan pipa dan antrian pesan

  2. Cara Menggunakan Pipes dan Named Pipes di Linux (dengan Contoh)

  3. Penunjuk file C berubah setelah fork dan (gagal) exec