Apa itu Apache2Buddy?
Gunakan skrip Apache2Buddy untuk membantu membuat rekomendasi perubahan pada konfigurasi server web Apache® yang membantu kinerja dan stabilitas. Apache2Buddy tidak berdampak pada server itu sendiri dan tidak membuat perubahan. Setelah skrip berjalan, skrip ini menyarankan perbaikan Apache yang dapat Anda periksa dan pertimbangkan untuk diterapkan.
Apache2Buddy memeriksa setidaknya area yang menjadi perhatian berikut:
- Batas memori PHP®
- Memcache
- MaxClients
- Penggunaan memori
- Penggunaan memori potensial maksimal
- Persentase total RAM yang dialokasikan untuk Apache
- MaxRequestWorkers
Jalankan Apache2Buddy
Jalankan perintah berikut untuk meluncurkan skrip dari baris perintah Linux®:
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richardforth/apache2buddy/master/apache2buddy.pl | perl
Setelah skrip Apache2Buddy selesai, ia mengembalikan sesuatu yang mirip dengan output berikut:
Apache Tuning with Respect to RAM Footprint of Web Applications
The MaxClients setting in your Apache configuration allows your web application child processes
to consume more RAM than is available on the server.
[ -- ] Distro: CentOS
[ -- ] Version: 6.9
[ -- ] Codename: Final
[ OK ] This distro is supported by apache2buddy.pl.
[ -- ] Hostname: Server-01
[ -- ] Primary IP:
[ -- ] Apache is using prefork model.
[ OK ] Memory usage of parent PID is less than 50MB: 8368 Kilobytes.
[ -- ] Apache has been running 21d 06h 49m 32s.
[ -- ] Your server has 5834 MB of PHYSICAL memory.
[ -- ] Your ServerLimit setting is 60.
[ -- ] Your MaxClients setting is 60.
[ OK ] Current Apache Process Count is 22, including the parent PID.
[ -- ] Number of vhosts detected: 17.
[ -- ] |________ of which 13 are HTTP (specifically, port 80).
[ -- ] |________ of which 4 are HTTPS (specifically, port 443).
[ OK ] Current Apache vHost Count is less than maxclients.
[ -- ] Your MaxRequestsPerChild setting is 2000.
[ -- ] Your PHP Memory Limit (Per-Process) is 128 MB.
[ -- ] MySQL Detected => Using 134.74 MB of memory.
[ OK ] No large logs files were found in /var/log/httpd.
[ OK ] MaxClients has not been hit recently.
[ !! ] PHP Fatal errors were found, see summaries below.
[ @@ ] Check the logs manually.
[ @@ ] - /var/log/httpd/example.com-error.log-20200203: 3
[ @@ ] - /var/log/httpd/example.com-error.log: 5
[ @@ ] - /var/log/httpd/example2.com-error.log-20200203: 1
[ -- ] httpd is currently using 2384.92 MB of memory.
[ -- ] The smallest apache process is using 83.18 MB of memory
[ -- ] The average apache process is using 107.48 MB of memory
[ -- ] The largest apache process is using 133.83 MB of memory
[ !! ] Going by the average Apache process, Apache can potentially use 6448.81 MB RAM:
Without considering services: 110.54 % of total installed RAM
Considering extra services: 113.16 % of remaining RAM
[ !! ] Going by the largest Apache process, Apache can potentially use 8029.81 MB RAM:
Without considering services: 137.64 % of total installed RAM
Considering extra services: 140.90 % of remaining RAM
Apache2buddy.pl report for server: Server-01 (
Settings considered for this report:
Your server's physical RAM: 5834 MB
Remaining Memory after other services considered: 5699 MB
Apache's MaxClients directive: 60 <---- Current Setting
Apache MPM Model: prefork
Largest Apache process (by memory): 133 MB
[ !! ] Your MaxClients setting is too high.
Your recommended MaxClients setting is between 37 and 42. <---- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)
Max potential memory usage: 8029 MB
Percentage of TOTAL RAM allocated to Apache: 137.64 %
Percentage of REMAINING RAM allocated to Apache: 140.90 %
Tinjau hasilnya
Anda mungkin juga melihat output dari skrip Apache2Buddy yang mirip dengan contoh berikut:
[ !! ] Going by the average Apache process, Apache can potentially use 6448.81 MB RAM:
Without considering services: 110.54 % of total installed RAM
Considering extra services: 113.16 % of remaining RAM
[ !! ] Going by the largest Apache process, Apache can potentially use 8029.81 MB RAM:
Without considering services: 137.64 % of total installed RAM
Considering extra services: 140.90 % of remaining RAM
Anda harus tahu bahwa pernyataan ini membuat asumsi berikut:
- Mengikuti proses Apache rata-rata :Tidak semua proses Apache berukuran rata-rata. Beberapa proses mungkin lebih besar atau lebih kecil.
- Tanpa mempertimbangkan layanan :Apache2Buddyy mencoba menghitung kemungkinan penggunaan memori dari server web Apache. Tidak memperhitungkan bahwa memori yang tersedia juga digunakan untuk aplikasi lain seperti PHP, MariaDB®, dan sistem operasi itu sendiri.
- Mempertimbangkan layanan tambahan :Apache2Buddy mencoba menghitung kemungkinan penggunaan memori server web Apache sambil membuat asumsi penggunaan memori aplikasi lain yang tersedia, yang mungkin tidak benar.
Catatan :Anda harus mempertimbangkan pernyataan yang diberikan oleh Apache2Buddy ini sebagai informasi mengenai skenario terburuk. Anda mungkin perlu menyelidiki lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan kejelasan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat tautan berikut:https://richardforth.github.io/Apache2buddy_ag/.