OS:Ubuntu 11.10 dengan gnome-shell
Saya memiliki beberapa titik akses di daftar tersimpan yang ingin saya hapus dan tidak pernah terhubung.
Sepertinya saya tidak dapat menemukan cara untuk menghapusnya.
Bagaimana cara menghapus (setidaknya tidak terhubung otomatis) dari daftar titik akses yang disimpan?
Jawaban yang Diterima:
ctrl + t {for terminal prompt}
cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
sudo rm {wireless_hotspot_name}
Semoga membantu
Sepertinya ini berubah menjadi jawaban yang cukup populer, jadi saya melanjutkan dan menulis skrip otomatis untuk melakukan ini untuk semua orang. Cukup salin skrip di bawah ini ke /usr/local/bin/wireless
dan ingat untuk menjalankan perintah sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wireless
Senang melihat ini terus membantu sesama *pengguna buntu
versi terbaru akan ada di GitHub
# Review and Remove Wireless Access Points on DEB based Systems
# Make sure to place script in /usr/local/bin
# CPR : Jd Daniel :: GabelBombe
# MOD : 2013-12-09 @ 12:27:02
# INP : $ wireless -{flag} {arg}
# If the user is not root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 ; exit 1
declare -r VERSION='1.2b'
declare -r net_dir='/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections'
function list ()
cd "${net_dir}"
export count=$(ls |wc -l) # used in drop function
files=$(ls) # simple ls
echo -e "ntFound ${count} wireless connections"
for f in $files; do
echo -e "t * $f"
function drop ()
# make sure that we have a working file and directory...
cd "${net_dir}" ; [ -f "$OPTARG" ] || { echo -e "ntConnection does not exist..." ; exit 1; }
# confirmation for removal
printf "ntDo you want to delete $OPTARG [y/n] " ; read -r resp
# strtolower, and rm
if [ 'y' == "$(echo $resp | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" ]; then
rm -f ${net_dir}/${OPTARG}
function flush ()
# make sure that we have a directory with files...
cd "${net_dir}" ; list ; [ 0 -ge "${count}" ] && { echo -e "tExiting, Nothing to flush..." ; exit 1 ; }
# confirmation for removing all files
printf "ntAll Wireless Connections will be removed, continue? [y/n] " ; read -r resp
# strtolower, and rm
if [ 'y' == "$(echo $resp | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" ]; then
rm -f ${net_dir}/*
function version ()
echo -e "ntwireless (GNU wireless network purge) v${VERSION}"
echo -e "ntCopyright (C) 2013 Hydra Code, LLC."
echo -e "tLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.ntThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.ntThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
echo -e "nntWritten by Jd Daniel (GabelBombe) http://github.com/GabelBombe"
exit 0
function help ()
echo -e "ntUsage: wireless [OPTION]... [FILE]..."
echo -e "tList, remove single or flush the contents of your Wireless Network Manager"
echo -e "ntThe options below may be used to perform the above actions, this program will only"
echo -e "trun a single flag or parameter at a time. Flag chaining is only available for -d"
echo -e "t -l, --list tt List the contents of your 'Network Manager'"
echo -e "t -d, --drop [conn] t Drop a single (or multiple) wireless connections"
echo -e "t -f, --flush tt Flush all wireless connections."
echo -e "t --help tt Display this help menu and exit"
echo -e "t --version t Display version information and exit"
exit 0
# no long-opts supported except --help
while getopts ':ld:f-:' OPT; do
case $OPT in
l) list ;;
d) dirList="${dirList} $OPTARG" ; drop ;;
f) flush ;;
-) #long option
case $OPTARG in
list) list ;;
drop) drop ;;
flush) flush ;;
help) help ;;
version) version ;;
: ) echo -e "ntMissing option argument for -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1;;
* ) echo -e "ntUnknown flag supplied ${OPTARG}ntTry wireless --help"; exit 1;;
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
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