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Daftar Semua Opsi Konfigurasi yang Tersedia di vdsm.conf untuk VDSM

Posting ini memberikan daftar lengkap semua opsi konfigurasi yang tersedia di vdsm.conf untuk vdsm. File vdsm.conf.sample menyertakan daftar komentar dari semua opsi yang tersedia di vdsm.conf.

Ini disediakan oleh paket vdsm. Anda dapat menemukannya di:


Misalnya, periksa merdu VDSM yang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk volume:

$ less /usr/share/doc/vdsm-4.30.33/vdsm.conf.sample |grep -i -C2 volume

# How often should we check drive watermark on block storage for
# automatic extension of thin provisioned volumes (seconds).
# vm_watermark_interval = 2

# Together with volume_utilization_chunk_mb, set the minimal free

# space before a thin provisioned block volume is extended. Use lower
# values to extend earlier.
# volume_utilization_percent = 50

# Size of extension chunk in megabytes, and together with
# volume_utilization_percent, set the free space limit. Use higher
# values to extend in bigger chunks.
# volume_utilization_chunk_mb = 1024

# Use events, instead of polling, to check the write threshold on
# enable_block_threshold_event = true

# How often should the volume size be checked (seconds).
# vol_size_sample_interval = 60

# iscsi_default_ifaces = default

# Whether to use the volume leases or not.
# use_volume_leases = false

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