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Mencari opsi tertentu di halaman manual

Ini skrip saya untuk melakukannya. Ini disebut dia.

# he - print brief help about a single option or command
# Mikel Ward <[email protected]>

# Example Usage:
# he bash continue
# he rsync -v


    cat <<EOF 1>&2
Usage: $scriptname <command> [<option|section>]
    $scriptname bash getopts (shows documentation for bash getopts)
    $scriptname ssh -v       (shows documentation for ssh -v flag)
    $scriptname select       (shows SYNOPSIS for select(2))
    $scriptname 'open(2)'    (shows SYNOPSIS for open(2))

if test $# -lt 1; then
    exit 2

# show the SYNOPSIS section if no section or option was given

# handle manpage(number)
case $manpage in *\(*\))

man ${section:+-s $section} "$manpage" | perl -n -e '
    $option = "'$option'";
    $inside_option = 0;
if (!$inside_option) {
    if (/^(\s*)\Q$option\E\b/p) {
        # start of this option
        $option_indentation = $1;
        $inside_option = 1;
        $saw_blank_line = 0;
} else {
    if (/^$/) {
        $saw_blank_line = 1;
    } elsif (/^\Q$option_indentation\E\S/ and $saw_blank_line) {
        # item at same indentation => start of next option
        $inside_option = 0;
    } elsif (/^\S/) {
        # new heading => start of next section
        $inside_option = 0;
    } else {
$ he cp    
       cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST
       cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE...

$ he gcc -dD
       -dD Dump all macro definitions, at the end of preprocessing, in addition to normal output.

$ he rsync -v
        -v, --verbose               increase verbosity

$ he bash getopts
       getopts optstring name [args]
              getopts is used by shell procedures to parse positional parameters.  optstring contains the option characters to be recognized; if a character is  followed  by  a  colon,  the  option  is
              expected  to  have  an  argument, which should be separated from it by white space.  The colon and question mark characters may not be used as option characters.  Each time it is invoked,
              getopts places the next option in the shell variable name, initializing name if it does not exist, and the index of the next argument to be processed into the variable OPTIND.  OPTIND  is
              initialized  to  1 each time the shell or a shell script is invoked.  When an option requires an argument, getopts places that argument into the variable OPTARG.  The shell does not reset
              OPTIND automatically; it must be manually reset between multiple calls to getopts within the same shell invocation if a new set of parameters is to be used.

              When the end of options is encountered, getopts exits with a return value greater than zero.  OPTIND is set to the index of the first non-option argument, and name is set to ?.

              getopts normally parses the positional parameters, but if more arguments are given in args, getopts parses those instead.

              getopts can report errors in two ways.  If the first character of optstring is a colon, silent error reporting is used.  In normal operation diagnostic messages are printed  when  invalid
              options or missing option arguments are encountered.  If the variable OPTERR is set to 0, no error messages will be displayed, even if the first character of optstring is not a colon.

              If  an  invalid  option  is  seen, getopts places ? into name and, if not silent, prints an error message and unsets OPTARG.  If getopts is silent, the option character found is placed in
              OPTARG and no diagnostic message is printed.

              If a required argument is not found, and getopts is not silent, a question mark (?) is placed in name, OPTARG is unset, and a diagnostic message is printed.  If getopts is silent, then  a
              colon (:) is placed in name and OPTARG is set to the option character found.

              getopts returns true if an option, specified or unspecified, is found.  It returns false if the end of options is encountered or an error occurs.

Namun jika Anda tidak memiliki akses ke skrip seperti itu, jalankan saja less , lalu ketik /^ *-option (perhatikan spasi), misalnya di gcc halaman manual, ketik /^ *-dD Masuk untuk menemukan dokumentasi untuk -dD opsi.

Ini berfungsi karena opsi biasanya muncul di awal baris.

Ini adalah fungsi yang saya gunakan. Saya menyebutnya "mans" untuk "man search".

mans ()
    local pages string;
    if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
    man ${2:+--pager="less -p \"$string\" -G"} ${pages[@]}


$ mans ^OPTIONS grep find xargs

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