Jalankan kill -9 -1
dari login pengguna yang menyebabkan forkbomb . Tidak perlu reboot.PS:Konsultasikan dengan senior Anda sebelum menjalankannya di server Prod
Sepertinya Anda telah menyebabkan bom fork. Anda dapat mencoba metode di sini untuk menghentikannya, tetapi kemungkinan besar Anda harus memulai ulang.
1) ps faux (find PID and place in second command)
2) kill [PID]
If any virus attack then again this process come so you need to enable virus scanner on cpanel and scan and remove.
Hosting providers must install the following services for this interface to appear:
The ClamAV Scanner plugin in WHM’s Manage Plugins interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Manage Plugins).
The Exim Mail Server service on the server in WHM’s Service Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager).