Solusi standar:
expr $d1 - $d2
Anda juga dapat melakukan:
echo $(( d1 - d2 ))
tetapi berhati-hatilah karena ini akan memperlakukan 07
sebagai bilangan oktal! (jadi 07
sama dengan 7
, tapi 010
berbeda dengan 10
Semua ini akan bekerja dari baris perintah shell. bc
mungkin adalah solusi Anda yang paling mudah.
Menggunakan bc:
$ echo "$d1 - $d2" | bc
Menggunakan awk
$ echo $d1 $d2 | awk '{print $1 - $2}'
Menggunakan perl
$ perl -E "say $d1 - $d2"
Menggunakan Python
$ python -c "print $d1 - $d2"
semua kembali
Jawaban yang tidak terbatas pada kasus OP
Judul pertanyaan mengarahkan orang ke sini, jadi saya memutuskan untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu untuk semua orang karena kasus yang dijelaskan OP sangat terbatas.
Saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk menulis sebuah fungsi.
- Jika Anda ingin
dalam kasus non-int:
int(){ printf '%d' ${1:-} 2>/dev/null || :; }
- Jika Anda ingin [string_kosong] dalam kasus non-int:
int(){ expr 0 + ${1:-} 2>/dev/null||:; }
- Jika Anda ingin menemukan int pertama atau [string_kosong] :
int(){ expr ${1:-} : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)' 2>/dev/null||:; }
- Jika Anda ingin menemukan int pertama atau 0:
# This is a combination of numbers 1 and 2
int(){ expr ${1:-} : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)' 2>/dev/null||:; }
Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan kode status bukan nol pada non-int, hapus kode ||:
(alias atau true
) tetapi tinggalkan ;
# Wrapped in parens to call a subprocess and not `set` options in the main bash process
# In other words, you can literally copy-paste this code block into your shell to test
( set -eu;
tests=( 4 "5" "6foo" "bar7" "foo8.9bar" "baz" " " "" )
test(){ echo; type int; for test in "${tests[@]}"; do echo "got '$(int $test)' from '$test'"; done; echo "got '$(int)' with no argument"; }
int(){ printf '%d' ${1:-} 2>/dev/null||:; };
int(){ expr 0 + ${1:-} 2>/dev/null||:; }
int(){ expr ${1:-} : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)' 2>/dev/null||:; }
int(){ printf '%d' $(expr ${1:-} : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)' 2>/dev/null)||:; }
# unexpected inconsistent results from `bc`
int(){ bc<<<"${1:-}" 2>/dev/null||:; }
Hasil uji
int is a function
int ()
printf '%d' ${1:-} 2> /dev/null || :
got '4' from '4'
got '5' from '5'
got '0' from '6foo'
got '0' from 'bar7'
got '0' from 'foo8.9bar'
got '0' from 'baz'
got '0' from ' '
got '0' from ''
got '0' with no argument
int is a function
int ()
expr 0 + ${1:-} 2> /dev/null || :
got '4' from '4'
got '5' from '5'
got '' from '6foo'
got '' from 'bar7'
got '' from 'foo8.9bar'
got '' from 'baz'
got '' from ' '
got '' from ''
got '' with no argument
int is a function
int ()
expr ${1:-} : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)' 2> /dev/null || :
got '4' from '4'
got '5' from '5'
got '6' from '6foo'
got '7' from 'bar7'
got '8' from 'foo8.9bar'
got '' from 'baz'
got '' from ' '
got '' from ''
got '' with no argument
int is a function
int ()
printf '%d' $(expr ${1:-} : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)' 2>/dev/null) || :
got '4' from '4'
got '5' from '5'
got '6' from '6foo'
got '7' from 'bar7'
got '8' from 'foo8.9bar'
got '0' from 'baz'
got '0' from ' '
got '0' from ''
got '0' with no argument
int is a function
int ()
bc <<< "${1:-}" 2> /dev/null || :
got '4' from '4'
got '5' from '5'
got '' from '6foo'
got '0' from 'bar7'
got '' from 'foo8.9bar'
got '0' from 'baz'
got '' from ' '
got '' from ''
got '' with no argument
Saya dikirim ke lubang kelinci ini karena jawaban yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan set -o nounset
(alias set -u
# This works
$ ( number="3"; string="foo"; echo $((number)) $((string)); )
3 0
# This doesn't
$ ( set -u; number="3"; string="foo"; echo $((number)) $((string)); )
-bash: foo: unbound variable