Anda mungkin tidak akan terlalu sering mengubah nama host server, tetapi kami akan menunjukkan cara melakukannya.
Biasanya, di server Linux Anda akan menggunakan perintah hostname , seperti:
root@web [~]# hostname
root@web [~]# hostname
root@web [~]# hostname
root@web [~]#
Ini bukan metode yang disarankan di server cPanel.
Ada beberapa metode yang direkomendasikan oleh cPanel untuk mengubah nama host:
1. Melalui WHM>> Pengaturan Jaringan>> Ubah Nama Host
2. Melalui sethostname Fungsi API WHM.
3. Melalui set_hostname Utilitas cPanel.
Metode kedua dapat digunakan di situs/aplikasi pihak ketiga. Baca dokumentasi cPanel untuk lebih jelasnya. Kami akan merinci metode 1. dan 3.
Untuk mengubah nama host di WHM:
- Masuk sebagai root ke WHM
- Navigasi ke Penyiapan Jaringan>> Ubah Nama Inang
- Masukkan nama host yang diinginkan di Nama Inang Baru lapangan.
- Klik Ubah tombol. Setelah beberapa detik Anda akan mendapatkan pesan Mengubah hostname… …Selesai dengan detail lainnya.
- Gulir ke bagian bawah laman dan klik Tambahkan entri A untuk nama host Anda tombol
- Pada halaman yang akan terbuka, klik Tambahkan Entri tombol.
- Anda akan melihat pesan Menambahkan Entri……Selesai
- Itu saja. Nama host baru Anda siap digunakan.
Jangan lupa untuk membaca Petunjuk cPanel :
Penting untuk memilih nama host yang tidak akan Anda gunakan untuk akun apa pun. Anda harus memilih sesuatu yang dapat diterima secara sosial, karena akan muncul di semua header email. Nama host Anda harus FQDN. Dalam bahasa Inggris, nama host harus terdiri dari nama dan nama domain. Semua nama host yang valid harus memiliki 2 titik di dalamnya. Nama host tidak boleh dimulai dengan "www". Nama host juga tidak boleh dimulai dengan angka, atau diakhiri dengan tanda hubung (“-”).
Tutorial film untuk mengubah hostname server di WHM:
Kami akan menunjukkan di bawah ini cara mengubah nama host server melalui set_hostname utilitas cPanel. Pertama, perintah lengkapnya:
root@web [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/set_hostname --help
When run as root, this program changes this servers hostname, updating it in all of the relevant locations on your system.
--help: this help
root@web [~]#
Sekarang mari kita ubah nama host:
root@web [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/set_hostname
Changing hostname to!
Hostname set to:
Output during rename:
Stopping cPHulkd during hostname change
Waiting for “cphulkd” to stop ………finished.
Startup Log
Aug 19 03:43:46 web systemd[1]: Starting cPanel brute force detector services...
Aug 19 03:43:46 web systemd[1]: PID file /var/run/ not readable (yet?) after start.
Aug 19 03:43:46 web systemd[1]: Started cPanel brute force detector services.
Aug 19 03:47:18 web systemd[1]: Stopping cPanel brute force detector services...
cphulkd stopped successfully.
Stopping MySQL during hostname change
Changing hostname in kernel to
Altered hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network
Updating cPHulkd
hulkdsetup: database schema is up to date.
Starting cPHulkd
Waiting for “cphulkd” to start ……waiting for “cphulkd” to initialize ………finished.
Service Status
cphulkd (cPhulkd - processor - dormant mode - acce --start) is running as root with PID 7633 (systemd check method).
Startup Log
Aug 19 03:47:22 web systemd[1]: Starting cPanel brute force detector services...
Aug 19 03:47:22 web systemd[1]: PID file /var/run/ not readable (yet?) after start.
Aug 19 03:47:22 web systemd[1]: cphulkd.service: Supervising process 7633 which is not our child. We'll most likely not notice when it exits.
Aug 19 03:47:22 web systemd[1]: Started cPanel brute force detector services.
cphulkd started successfully.
Restarting Exim
Waiting for “exim” to restart ………waiting for “exim” to initialize ………finished.
Service Status
exim (/usr/sbin/exim -bd -q60m -oP /var/spool/exim/ is running as mailnull with PID 7661 (systemd check method).
exim (/usr/sbin/exim -qG) is running as root with PID 7662 (systemd check method).
exim (/usr/sbin/exim -qG) is running as root with PID 7676 (systemd check method).
Startup Log
Aug 19 03:47:23 web systemd[1]: Starting Exim is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that moves mail from one machine to another....
Aug 19 03:47:23 web systemd[1]: Started Exim is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that moves mail from one machine to another..
Log Messages
2017-08-19 03:47:23 exim 4.89 daemon started: pid=7661, -q1h, listening for SMTP on port 587 (IPv6 and IPv4) port 25 (IPv6 and IPv4) and for SMTPS on port 465 (IPv6 and IPv4)
exim restarted successfully.
Updating Apache configuration
Updating cPanel license...Done. Update succeeded.
Building global cache for cpanel...Done
The system has queued the hostname changes for the Horde and DAV services.
Users cannot access the Horde or DAV features that use these services until
the system has finished updates to the hostname. After the system adjusts a
specific user’s database, it restores their access to the Horde and DAV services.
You will receive a notification when the system completes the update for all users.
Waiting for “mysql” to start ……waiting for “mysql” to initialize ………finished.
Service Status
mysql (/usr/sbin/mysqld) is running as mysql with PID 7576 (systemd check method).
Startup Log
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] InnoDB: Percona XtraDB ( 5.6.36-82.1 started; log sequence number 113808666
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846181975808 [Note] InnoDB: Dumping buffer pool(s) not yet started
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'.
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: Version: '10.1.26-MariaDB' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MariaDB Server
Aug 19 03:47:21 web systemd[1]: Started MariaDB database server.
Log Messages
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld: Version: '10.1.26-MariaDB' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MariaDB Server
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld: 2017-08-19 3:47:21 139846925715712 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Aug 19 03:47:21 web mysqld[7576]: Version: '10.1.26-MariaDB' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MariaDB Server
mysql started successfully.
root@web [~]#