Mungkin ada beberapa kemungkinan untuk menyesuaikan desktop; Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak tertarik dengan tema yang berwarna-warni. Jika anak Anda tidak tertarik dengan pelajaran, mari kita buat penyesuaian warna-warni yang menarik dan membantu mereka untuk berkonsentrasi pada pelajaran karena sekarang ini semua terjadi dalam sebuah sistem.
Jika Anda seorang pecinta game, Anda dapat menerapkan tema game, mengubah ikon sesuai dengan game favorit Anda, dan menyesuaikan latar belakang desktop.
Gadis biasanya suka mengatur desktop dengan wallpaper alami dan menerapkan tema dan ikon cantik yang terlihat elegan. Jadi, setiap orang memiliki pilihan dan preferensinya sendiri dalam hal penyesuaian.
Tapi alasan paling umum di antara semua pengguna adalah mereka bosan melihat tampilan yang sama setiap saat.
Lingkungan desktop yang baik terdiri dari ikon yang menarik dan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna yang menggunakan warna yang menarik. Orang yang sukses memahami semua keadaan saat merancang sistem.
Sistem Linux telah memperkenalkan beberapa lingkungan desktop untuk sistem operasi Ubuntu. Semuanya disesuaikan dengan baik dan mengingat preferensi pengguna. Daftar lingkungan desktop Ubuntu yang paling disukai dan menakjubkan adalah:
- Desktop Gnome
- Desktop Plasma KDE
- Desktop Kayu Manis
- Desktop LXQT
- Desktop Kilas Balik Gnome
- Desktop Xfce
- Desktop Pantheon
- Mate Desktop
- Desktop Budgie
- DDE dalam
Dan banyak lainnya.
Gnome adalah lingkungan desktop default ketika Anda berpindah dari sistem operasi lain ke Ubuntu. Tetapi Linux tidak menempatkan penggunanya pada satu pilihan; jika Anda tidak menyukai Gnome, maka jangan khawatir, ubahlah kapan pun Anda mau.
Gnome adalah lingkungan desktop yang menarik; ini semua tentang tampilan pertama. Terkadang, Anda terpenjara oleh penampilan cantik, dan tampilan desktop Gnome adalah salah satunya. Setiap kali Ubuntu merilis versi terbarunya, Gnome juga hadir dengan fitur-fitur canggih dan disempurnakan terkait dengan penampilan.
Desktop Gnome memiliki kisi aplikasi di mana setiap aplikasi diwakili oleh ikon yang secara tepat memberi tahu pengguna tentang ikon tertentu itu. Selanjutnya, mereka diatur sebagai 24 item tetap, dan jumlah ikon, termasuk baris, kolom, dan margin, tergantung pada ukuran layar. Ini menawarkan beberapa opsi tema kepada pengguna seperti tema gelap, tema terang, dan standar yang ditetapkan secara default.
Alat Tweak Gnome:
Manajer aplikasi untuk desktop Gnome membantu menyesuaikan dan mengonfigurasi sistem Ubuntu, bernama “Alat Tweak Gnome .” Ini dikembangkan secara khusus untuk membantu pengguna mengubah elemen lingkungan desktop Gnome yang dapat diinstal dari repositori Ubuntu secara langsung. Alat tweak Gnome menyediakan berbagai opsi untuk menginstal dan mengganti shell Gnome, ikon, kursor, tema, wallpaper, dan tombol menu; maka kita dapat mengubah apa pun menggunakan alat ini.
Mari kita periksa bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkan Alat Tweak Gnome di Ubuntu:
(Ini untuk Ubuntu 20.04, karena saat ini saya sedang mengerjakannya)
Menginstal Alat Tweak Gnome di Ubuntu 20.04:
Selalu disarankan untuk memutakhirkan sistem sebelum menginstal utilitas atau paket perangkat lunak apa pun. Dengan ini, sistem Anda akan mendapatkan penginstalan semua paket baru dengan lancar, dan juga meningkatkan paket yang diinstal ke versi terbaru.
Jadi, untuk memutakhirkan semua paket, buka terminal dengan mengklik kanan di mana saja di desktop Ubuntu, dan di menu konteks, Anda akan melihat opsi "Buka Terminal". Tekan opsi ini, dan terminal akan ditampilkan di layar. Ada juga tombol pintas untuk membuka “Ctrl+Alt+T . ini ”:
Jadi, buka dan jalankan perintah berikut untuk membiarkan sistem memperbarui semua paket:
$ sudo apt update
Setelah selesai, periksa apakah repositori universal diaktifkan di sistem atau tidak. Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa kita perlu menginstal atau mengaktifkan “Universal Repositories.” Saat Anda menginstal repositori universal melalui alat manajemen paket apt, Anda mendapatkan akses ke banyak paket perangkat lunak, dan mereka dapat diinstal dengan mudah.
Untuk memeriksa apakah ini diaktifkan, ketik:
$ sudo apt-add-repository universe
Sekarang, jalankan perintah yang disebutkan untuk menginstal “Alat Tweak Gnome ” pada sistem Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
Saat diinstal, ketik terminal untuk membukanya:
$ gnome-tweaks
Atau Anda juga bisa mendapatkannya dari pengelola aplikasi dengan mengetikkan “gnome tweaks ” di kotak pencarian:
“Alat Tweak Gnome ” layar akan terlihat seperti ini:
Fitur Alat Tweak Gnome:
Dengan bantuan utilitas tweak Gnome , seseorang dapat mengubah tampilan lengkap desktop Ubuntu dan dapat mengambil manfaat dari ini untuk dijelajahi. Beberapa fitur yang menonjol dari alat ini adalah; mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan animasi, mengubah latar belakang, menyembunyikan dan menampilkan ikon di desktop; sama halnya, kita dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan ekstensi Ubuntu.
Selain itu, di tab tampilan, Anda akan mendapatkan beberapa kategori; di Tema kategori, kami memiliki beberapa opsi.
Mari kita jelajahi fitur-fitur ini satu per satu:
Saat Anda membuka Gnome Tweak utilitas, layar pertama akan datang dengan "Animasi ” di tab Umum. Dari mana Anda dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan fitur animasi:
Melangkah maju dalam “Penampilan ”, daftar opsi akan ditampilkan. Semua ini sangat membantu untuk mendapatkan tampilan baru dari sistem Anda. Seperti yang Anda lihat, setelan default untuk semua kategori adalah “Yaru .” Namun jangan khawatir, Anda dapat mengubahnya sesuai keinginan. Penampilan tab dibagi lagi menjadi Tema , Latar Belakang , dan Kunci Layar kategori. Dan setiap kategori memiliki opsi yang berbeda:
Ada lebih banyak opsi selain "Yaru" default di menu tarik-turun Aplikasi, seperti Kontras Tinggi, Yaru-gelap, dll., seperti yang disebutkan dalam gambar.
Jika kita menavigasi “Cursor ” menu tarik-turun, kami memiliki pilihan kursor yang luar biasa seperti Redglass, Whiteglass, Handheld, dll.
Demikian pula, jika kita bergerak menuju “ikon ”, Anda juga akan mendapatkan daftar opsi ikon yang memungkinkan.
Seperti yang Anda lihat, ekstensi shell Gnome dinonaktifkan secara default.
Untuk mengaktifkannya, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:
Jalankan perintah yang diberikan untuk mengunduh “Gnome-shell-extensions ” di terminal:
$ sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions
Setelah menginstal “gnome-shell-extensions ,” mulai ulang mesin Ubuntu Anda untuk menyegarkan perangkat lunak.
Saat Anda kembali ke layar, buka “Alat Tweak Gnome " aplikasi; daftar ekstensi baru akan ditambahkan ke “Ekstensi ” tab; aktifkan Ekstensi tab:
Ekstensi shell Gnome dapat diakses melalui browser web. Buka browser Firefox Ubuntu dan navigasikan ke halaman pengaya gnome-shell Gnome-Shell-Integration untuk menambahkan ekstensi Firefox dan klik ke “Tambahkan ke Firefox ”:
Kotak dialog akan muncul untuk mengonfirmasi apakah Anda benar-benar ingin menambahkan Integrasi Shell Gnome dan beberapa akses izin.
Klik pada “Tambah ” untuk mendapatkan ekstensi:
Ekstensi akan ditambahkan ke browser Firefox:
Ikon ekstensi akan muncul di sudut kanan atas browser; akan terlihat seperti ini:
Sekarang, kita dapat menambahkan “gnome-shell-extension ”; Jadi, buka browser Firefox dan klik ikon ekstensi (disorot di atas).
Anda akan mendapatkan beberapa ekstensi gnome, pilih “Tema Pengguna ” dan klik di atasnya:
Di jendela "Tema Pengguna . yang akan datang ”, pengaturan default dinonaktifkan. Jadi, klik untuk mengaktifkannya:
Sekarang, buka “Alat Tweak Gnome ” aplikasi lagi untuk memeriksa apakah shell diaktifkan atau tidak:
Jadi, Anda dapat melihat “Shell” diaktifkan, dan disetel ke “Tidak ada ” secara default. Anda juga dapat mengubahnya menjadi “Yaru-dark ” sambil menyesuaikan sistem Anda.
Di kategori berikutnya, “Latar Belakang ,” kami memiliki opsi gambar dan penyesuaian:
Tidak ada aturan keras dan cepat untuk tetap menggunakan gambar latar belakang yang sama; Anda dapat mengubahnya kapan pun Anda mau:
Saat Anda mengklik ikon gambar (disorot), daftar gambar default akan ditampilkan di depan Anda; Anda juga dapat menambahkan latar belakang Anda sendiri; pilih gambar dan klik “Buka” tombol:
Yah, saya pikir ini adalah hal yang berguna untuk semua pengguna; beberapa orang mungkin ingin menyesuaikan gambar latar belakang; pilihan seperti, Centered, Scaled, dan Stretched dapat dilihat di menu Adjustment:
Dan kategori terakhir dari Penampilan tab adalah “Kunci Layar ”; hampir semua yang diperlukan untuk memodifikasi tampilan sistem ditawarkan oleh Gnome Tweak Tool. Ini memberi Anda opsi untuk memilih gambar latar belakang dan memodifikasi Layar Kunci opsi dengan daftar gambar yang sama seperti yang telah kita lihat di “Latar Belakang ” pilihan.
Saat Anda memilih ikon yang disorot, daftar semua gambar untuk layar kunci akan terlihat oleh Anda. Dan Anda dapat memilih salah satu dari sana:sama halnya, jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan gambar, Anda cukup memilih opsi dari menu tarik-turun.
Di Ekstensi tab, kami memiliki tiga ekstensi default yaitu, ikon Desktop, indikator aplikasi Ubuntu, dan dok Ubuntu:
Saat Anda mengklik kotak roda gigi di ekstensi ikon desktop, kotak dialog akan muncul dengan opsi ukuran dan folder ikon desktop.
Mengunduh dan memasang “Ekstensi Gnome Shell ” akan menambahkan lebih banyak opsi ke daftar ekstensi. Daftar ekstensi yang disertakan dengan “Ekstensi shell Gnome ” ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah ini:
Anda dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkannya sesuai kebutuhan.
Alat Tweak Gnome juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengubah pengaturan font. Ini berguna untuk menghemat waktu karena semua modifikasi dapat dilakukan hanya dengan satu klik.
Di “Font ”, Anda dapat mengubah teks antarmuka, teks dokumen, teks monospace, mengatur skala, ukuran petunjuk. Semua faktor ini membantu membuat teks terbaca dengan sempurna.
Sekarang, mari beralih ke Bilah Teratas :
Bilah Atas:
Di Bilah Atas tab, Anda dapat mengaktifkan persentase baterai, menyesuaikan pengaturan jam, dan mengatur kalender.
Bilah Judul Jendela:
Di Bilah Judul Jendela tab, Anda dapat mengubah perilaku mouse. Selain itu, Anda dapat menonaktifkan tombol maksimalkan atau perkecil dari bilah atas atau ubah posisinya sesuai kenyamanan Anda.
Misalnya, jika Anda menonaktifkan opsi “perkecil”, ikon perkecil akan hilang dari bilah atas:
Seperti yang kami sebutkan di atas, lingkungan desktop default Ubuntu adalah “Gnome .” Itu sebabnya kami telah menjelaskan setiap aspek alat Gnome Tweaks agar Anda memahami fitur apa yang dapat Anda sesuaikan untuk lingkungan sistem Anda. Mari kita bahas beberapa lingkungan desktop lain yang didukung ubuntu:
Lingkungan desktop Ubuntu:
Bagian terakhir dari artikel ini akan melihat cara menyesuaikan desktop Ubuntu melalui Alat Tweak Gnome .
Sebelum memulai, mari kita bahas semua lingkungan desktop Ubuntu satu per satu yang telah kami sebutkan di atas. Although Gnome is the default, you can install any other desktop environment as well.
KDE Plasma Desktop:
The KDE plasma desktop is one of the advanced desktop environments and has the most adaptable features. It is widget-based and well-designed that helps to remove and add anything you want to.
Moreover, when you install the KDE plasma desktop, you will see icons with different shapes that may trouble you. But, no worries, KDE plasma allows the user to adjust the icons; that may take less space on the system screen.
You can adjust various settings:the default desktop wallpaper, which is changeable, the application launcher, virtual workspace selector handled by activities, several widgets options since we cannot explain all the features in a single or two paragraphs. For more, visit the official site of KDE plasma desktop “KDE.ORG” and also get the download link.
Cinnamon Desktop:
Cinnamon desktop is quite similar to the XFCE desktop environment. It derives from Gnome 3, a default desktop environment of Linux mint but available for all the other Linux and UNIX-like operating systems.
There’s no complication to understand the Cinnamon desktop; it is well designed for beginners and can easily be customized. Some prominent features of Cinnamon desktop are:it has many desktop effects with the animation and transition effects, multiple extensions, also the applets on the panel; hence through settings editor, you can customize calendar, panel, themes extensions, icons, applets, and desktop effects as well. Its several features are similar to Gnome shell.
To get the Cinnamon Desktop on Ubuntu, visit the official site of Cinnamon Desktop.
LXQT Desktop:
The LXQT Desktop is the default desktop of the Lubuntu operating system, and the good thing about this environment is that it is less resource-intensive. It is the most light-weighted desktop with a simple interface based on Qt . It is developed for the folks who like to stay with Qt apps and don’t want to go with KDE Plasma or any other desktop. Another good feature of the LXQT desktop is that it is modular; it doesn’t allow the desktop to let things own.
The layout of LXQT is similar to the Windows operating system; the app launcher is set at the bottom of the screen. You can configure themes, icons, desktops, and apps.
To get the LXQT desktop on the Ubuntu system, visit the official site LXQT Project. You will get all the releases and packages of the LXQT desktop environment.
Gnome Flashback Desktop:
Gnome Flashback was once called Gnome Fallback mode. It is a shell for Gnome 3, but the technologies and layout are quite similar to Gnome 2.
While using Gnome Flashback Desktop, you will notice that its performance is really outstanding, and it consumes less CPU than the Gnome shell. Gnome Flashback offers the settings like Gnome desktop, which makes it quite easier to modify if you are already an Ubuntu user.
XFCE Desktop:
The XFCE is the lightweight default desktop environment for Xubuntu distribution which is a flavor of Ubuntu. As compared to other desktops, Xubuntu consumes less memory and CPU usage. It is pretty simple with the two basic panels on the screen and one vertical line of icons. Its file management tool is simple, and you can configure it easily. The default file manager of XFCE is known as Thunar , is famous for its fast performance. The interface is easy to understand; devices can be mounted and unmounted anytime.
You can customize the XFCE desktop just like the way you want; it is very stable. The best attribute people like about it is its minimalist design. Most people like a simple desktop, and for them, it is the best approach. Also, you will get many individual configuration applications according to need and preference.
To get the XFCE desktop environment on Ubuntu, open the and download it.
MATE Desktop:
The MATE desktop environment gives the same feel as if someone is using the Windows operating system. MATE is the reliable, attractive, and tested desktop; it comes with Gnome 2, the default desktop environment of most Linux and UNIX operating systems.
Some many pre-packaged wallpapers and themes help to customize the Mate desktop quickly. MATE desktop gives you the option to use GTK-2.X and GTK-3.X that allows the user to pick from hundreds of available themes. The file manager of the MATE environment is known as Caja, which has a decent look and is as famous as Dolphin (KDE file manager). All the specific pre-installed tools of the MATE desktop are designed to be lightweight and simple.
The default theme of MATE is Ambiant-MATE which is definitely not the one and only. Suppose you want to customize the default look such as icons, wallpapers, panels, and many other environmental attributes. You can do so through the Appearance aplikasi. If you want to change the theme to get a different look on your system, switch to the desktop environment.
To learn more about the MATE desktop environment, visit the official site.
Budgie Desktop:
Budgie desktop is also based on the Gnome desktop environment and is the same as macOS and Chrome OS. One of the Budgie desktop’s unique aspects is that it has a sidebar; some of the tabs like calendar, notifications, and audio settings are extremely accessible.
Gnome technologies like GTK are used by Budgie desktop to manage the system’s settings. Some of the specific Budgie tools can configure settings like themes, icons, and windows settings. Furthermore, you can change the panel set on the screen and can add more applets that aren’t available by default.
By enabling the Dock mode in the settings, you can remove extra stuff from the bottom dock or move them to the top panel.
Deepin DE:
The latest release of Deepin comes with a brand new and beautiful look of the environment and applications. The Deepin Desktop environment is not designed explicitly for the Deepin distribution; it is built on QT and can install on various Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch Linux systems.
The Deepin Desktop Environment offers you multiple modes, such as Fashion mode or Efficient mode. The fashion mode in the dock tray has a hide-and-show button; that helps free up space on the screen when you want to hide icons. In the Efficient mode, the right corner of the screen is free to show the desktop.
The Control Center has adaptive features to enhance efficiency. The file manager has a dark theme making the window elegant. The new “Recent ” attribute is added to the file manager to help the quick access to the recently opened files.
Also, many more impressive features that couldn’t be described here can be learned by visiting the Deepin DE Official site . If you want to move from the default desktop environment to the Deepin desktop, you will find the downloaded link from the site as mentioned above.
Pantheon Desktop:
Like other desktop environments, KDE, Cinnamon, etc., the pantheon is also one of the team’s widely known desktops developed by the team who developed elementary OS. Users like it because of its well-polished look. Still, it offers minor customization facilities; most people don’t use it in Linux distributions.
The desktop has not many items in it as Elementary OS believes in a clutter-free environment. The Pantheon dock is considered one of the most highlighted features; it is fast and helps to access the most used apps quickly. Some other useful icons are displayed at the top bar of the Pantheon desktop, such as the “status indicator” icon, “music media player” icon.
Although it is one of the lightweight desktops, it is not recommended as it’s been only optimized for the elementary OS.
How We Can Customize Ubuntu Desktop Environment:
We have discussed briefly in the above section what settings need to alter when starting to customize the Ubuntu system. As I am working on Ubuntu 20.04, let’s see how we can customize Gnome 3.38, a default Ubuntu desktop environment.
Customizing the desktop not only gives you a perfect look, but you will also get a different experience. You can apply many categories of themes on Ubuntu desktop like Windows theme, macOS theme, Chromatic theme, etc.
Installing Gnome Tweak Tool:
To customize the Gnome environment, first, we need the “Gnome Tweak Tool, ” and we have seen how to install it in the above section.
Using the Gnome Tweak Tool, one can change the whole appearance of the Ubuntu desktop as it is the Gnome Shell extension and helps to change the environment interface.
Open the applications and search for the “Gnome Tweak ”:
Installing Theme:
Themes play a key role for any Linux operating system to change the look of the environment. There are many resources to install different themes, but it is good to get a theme from the authentic resource for better results.
One of the most useful and popular sites to install themes is Gnome-Look.Org. Click on the link, and you get a list of amazing themes; install any of them.
I will select “Qogir Theme ,” which supports GTK-3 and GTK-2 based on different desktop environments like Gnome Cinnamon, Mate, etc.
Click on the desired theme, “Qogir Theme, ” and navigate to the “Download ”:
The window will come with download options, select any of the options to let downloading begin:
Click on the “Save File ” to download the file in the system:
Open the Nautilus (Ubuntu File Manager) and check if the “Qogir theme ” is downloaded successfully in the “Download” folder:
Unzip the theme file by right-clicking on the downloading theme and navigating to the “Extract Here” option in the context menu:
Go to the Home directory and press “Ctrl+h ” to unhide the hidden folders and search for the “.theme ” folder. If you don’t find it there, then create it by yourself:
Click on the “Create ” button to create it:
Move the extracted “Qogir-light ” theme file in the “.themes ” folder:
Customize the Dock Panel:
Let’s add the dock to the Ubuntu system, which plays an important role in customizing the screen. For this, visit the Gnome Extension Site to install dock extension:
Here, search for the “dash to dock ” to find the dock extension. You will get at the top of search items; select it:
Click on it and enable the extension:
Once you clicked, a dialogue box appears to ask you to install the “Dash to Dock ” extension; click on “Install ” to let the installation begin:
It will be enabled after you clicked on the “Install” button:
Installing Icons set:
To get the icons set for the Ubuntu system, again visit the “Gnome-look-org” and search “Icons ” in the search bar:
Select any icons set according to the choice; I will go with “Candy Icons ,” which seems interesting. Select it and navigate to the “Download ” button:
When you click on the Download button, the window will appear to ask if you want to download the candy icons set and select any options. I am selecting the “Download (mirror) ”:
Click on “Save File ” to install candy icons set of downloads directory and click on “Ok ”:
So, the icons will be downloaded on the “Downloads ” directory; the further procedure is quite the same as we did in the “Themes ” section:
Go to the downloads directory extract the downloaded file there:
Move towards the Home directory and search “.icons ” in the hidden files; if you don’t find it, then create a new folder and name it “.icons ”:
Move the extracted candy icons set to the “.icons ” directory:
As we have done with all the necessary installation, we need to enable Gnome-shell as well, and we already mentioned a step-by-step procedure on how we can enable it in the above section.
Now, open the “Gnome Tweak Tool ” to apply modifications; let’s give Ubuntu a new look using the tweak tool. In the Gnome Tweak Tool, go to the “Appearance ” section. You will see all settings are set to the “Yaru ” theme.
Modify the Appearance settings by following the below mentioned process:
Applications Settings:
Let’s change the “Applications ” theme and select “Qogir theme ” we have downloaded:
To apply the “Qogir-light ” theme, select it; and the theme will be applied as you can see in the image:
Cursor Settings:
Moving forward, I really want to change my cursor and give it an attractive look while using it. Let’s change it from the possible options (I am selecting “Whiteglass ”; click on it to apply it:
Icons Setting:
We have installed a “Candy icons set ” to give our icons a beautiful look. Now, to apply them, select the icons category and you will a list of multiple icons options there; navigate to “Candy-icons ” and click on it:
And how amazing icons look will be:
Shell Settings:
Change the shell appearance by selecting the “Qogir-light .”
Changing the Background Image:
If you customize the whole desktop environment and left with the same background image, you would notice, it will be like nothing has changed.
Just changing the background could change the whole appearance of your system. To change it, download any beautiful wallpaper that suits your desktop as a background image and save it on the system.
You can change it from Gnome Tweak Tool, or when you right-click on the desktop, there is an option of “Change Background ”:
Open the Gnome-tweak-tool, and in the appearance, you will see the “background ” category. From there, you can change not only the background image but also set adjust it just like you want to:
Navigate to “Image ”; you will get a lot of images there:
Or you can download your own wallpaper from a web browser just like I did. Select it from the location you saved and click to open:
And the desktop will appear like this:
Changing the Lock Screen:
Similarly, you can change the lock screen image as well and its adjustment:
Click to the “Image ” and select any from default images or download from the browser; I will apply it the same as I applied on background image:
So, select it from Downloads and hit “Open ”:
Setting Applications Menu on Top Bar:
If you want to add Applications menu on the desktop; in the Gnome-tweak-tool, open the “Extensions ” tab and enable the “Applications menu ” there;
When you enable it; the “Applications ” category will appear at the top bar of the Ubuntu system; you can access all the applications from there just in one click.
Dock Setting:
After installing the dock extension, we can change the dock settings quickly. You can do it through “Settings ” by right-clicking on the desktop:
When you clicked a window will appear with several choices:
From there, you can change window colors as light, standard or dark, hide the dock or change its position and change icons size on the dock:
To change the dock position, move towards the last option, “Position on screen ” of the “Appearance ” category; it is set on the left side by default. I want to set it at the bottom:
And the final look you will get is:
Working all day on a system can make you frustrated; seeing the same appearance might change your mood, and you get bored. It is important to change the look of the system from time to time. This gives you an attractive and refreshing feeling every time you change the environment’s appearance.
You can set the theme according to the mood you’re using your computer for; for children, you can make the system colorful to let them take an interest in it. For game lovers, several gaming themes are available on the internet. Some change their PC themes just because they don’t want to see the same appearance repeatedly. Also, when you’re stressed during office work, the pleasing look of the desktop provides you relaxation.
In the Ubuntu system, you are not stuck with the same environment; the Linux operating system offers multiple other environments. You can change the default environment by installing another Linux environment on your system.
We have discussed all the environments with their respective well-known features you can install on the Ubuntu system. The most popular Linux environments that you could install on your Ubuntu machine are Xfce desktop, KDE Plasma Desktop, Cinnamon Desktop, LXQT Desktop, Gnome Flashback Desktop, Pantheon Desktop, Mate Desktop, Budgie Desktop, and Deepin DE . However, Gnome desktop is the default desktop environment for Ubuntu systems.
In this guide, we have learned how to customize the Gnome desktop environment on Ubuntu 20.04; the tutorial is really helpful for beginners who want to change the system look but don’t find a way to do it.
To customize the Ubuntu operating system, we need to change everything that can help us make the desktop look beautiful and elegant; for example, we can change themes, icons, shell appearance, dock setting, fonts, background image, and many other settings.
To customize the Gnome desktop, there is a tool called “Gnome-tweak-tool ” that has the power to change the look of your desktop environment completely. To get it, we have to download it using the command-line tool. Once it’s done, you will be able to apply changes through the Tweaks interface. You can also install the shell and dock extensions to add many other extensions on the Tweaks tool.
So, follow the guide, and almost everything you need to know about Ubuntu customization is mentioned here.