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Grep Gagal Menemukan Teks Di File Ini?

Saya mengkloning dengan git kode sumber proyek, dan saya menggunakan grep untuk menemukan kata di seluruh proyek, SchemaHandler . grep gagal menemukan kata dalam file kode aneh ini:

Ya, itu bukan file teks standar, saya akui, tapi grep dapat menemukan string juga dalam file biner. Memang itu dapat menemukan kata dalam dua file jar di proyek. Mengapa gagal dengan teks ini?

Perintah yang saya gunakan adalah grep -R SchemaHandler . di root proyek kloning.

Saya menggunakan L ubuntu 18.0.4 dan grep 3.1

Jawaban yang Diterima:

Itu memang menemukannya. Masalahnya adalah file tersebut memiliki carriage return (\r ) yang menyebabkan nama file disembunyikan oleh terminal. Untuk mengilustrasikan apa yang saya maksud, bandingkan dua perintah ini:

printf "foobar\n"


printf "foo\rbar\n"

Inilah yang harus dicetak masing-masing:

$ printf "foobar\n"
$ printf "foo\rbar\n"

Perintah kedua masih mencetak foo , tetapi \r menyebabkan terminal kembali ke awal baris, sehingga sedang ditimpa. Anda dapat melihatnya jika Anda menggunakan od meskipun:

$ printf "foo\rbar\n" | od -c
0000000   f   o   o  \r   b   a   r  \n

Hal serupa terjadi ketika Anda menjalankan grep -R :

$ git clone
$ cd yawl
$ grep -R  SchemaHandler . | grep YDataValidator
 }   }   return schema ;    .replaceAll("type=\"", "type=\"xs:"); xmlns:xs");pes, soonn) e;

Sepintas, hasil itu tampak aneh. Mengapa ada baris yang sepertinya tidak mengandung string YDataValidator dikembalikan oleh grep YDataValidator ? Jawabannya adalah \r . Baris itu sebenarnya dari file, tetapi nama file dikaburkan oleh \r . Anda dapat melihat ini lebih jelas jika Anda memberi tahu grep untuk hanya mencetak string yang cocok dan beberapa karakter di sekitarnya:

$ grep -PRo '.{10}SchemaHandler.{10}' . | grep YDataVal
 * @a/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/ using a SchemaHandler.
./src/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/  private SchemaHandler handler;
./src/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/ = new SchemaHandler(schema);
./src/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/          SchemaHandler handler =
./src/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/      new SchemaHandler(DOMUtil.g

Di sini, karena tidak ada \r dalam 10 karakter tepat di sekitar salah satu dari 5 contoh SchemaHandler di , nama ditampilkan dengan benar. Perintah asli Anda mengembalikan seluruh file (seluruh file hanya satu baris yang dipisahkan oleh \r yang tidak mendefinisikan baris baru di Linux), jadi Anda melihat satu baris panjang yang kacau karena \r .

Anda dapat memverifikasi dengan menjalankan ini:

$ grep SchemaHandler ./src/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/ 
}   }   return schema ;    .replaceAll("type=\"", "type=\"xs:"); xmlns:xs");pes, soonn) e;

Dan kemudian membandingkan output dengan apa yang Anda dapatkan jika Anda mengganti semua \r dengan baris baru:

$ grep SchemaHandler ./src/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/schema/ | tr '\r' '\n'
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved.
 * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and
 * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology.
 * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>.

package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.schema;

import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.exceptions.YDataValidationException;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.schema.internal.YInternalType;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.DOMUtil;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.JDOMUtil;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.StringUtil;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import java.util.*;

 * This class serves as a validation mechanism for the specification specific
 * schema and the instance data from either the net or a task. This is performed
 * by taking the data available at the various validation points and converting
 * it into conventional XML which is then validated using a SchemaHandler.
 * @author Mike Fowler
 *         Date: 05-Jul-2006
public class YDataValidator {

    // Object that performs the real validation on XML documents
    private SchemaHandler handler;

     * Constructs a new validator and handler. The
     * handler is not ready for use until validateSchema
     * has been called.
     * @param schema a W3C XML Schema
    public YDataValidator(String schema) {
        this.handler = new SchemaHandler(schema);

     * Compiles and determines the validity of the current schema
     * @return true if the schema compiled without error.
    public boolean validateSchema() {
        return handler.compileSchema();

     * Validates a single data variable
     * @param variable to be validated
     * @param data XML representation of variable to be validated
     * @param source
     * @throws YDataValidationException if the data is not valid
    public void validate(YVariable variable, Element data, String source)
            throws YDataValidationException {
        List<YVariable> vars = new ArrayList<YVariable>(1);
        validate(vars, data, source);

     * Validates a collection of variables against the schema. This is achieved by
     * temporarily adding a schema element declaration for the data. This avoids
     * attempting to create a new schema containing only the relevant data types.
     * @param vars variables to be validated
     * @param data XML representation fo the variables to be validated
     * @param source
     * @throws YDataValidationException if the data is not valid
    public void validate(Collection vars, Element data, String source)
            throws YDataValidationException {
        try {
            String schema = ensurePrefixedSchema(handler.getSchema());
            org.w3c.dom.Document xsd = DOMUtil.getDocumentFromString(schema);
            String ns = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI;

            //need to determine the prefix for the schema namespace
            String prefix = ensureValidPrefix(xsd.lookupPrefix(ns));

            org.w3c.dom.Element element = xsd.createElementNS(ns, prefix + "element");
            element.setAttribute("name", data.getName());

            org.w3c.dom.Element complex = xsd.createElementNS(ns, prefix + "complexType");
            org.w3c.dom.Element sequence = xsd.createElementNS(ns, prefix + "sequence");

            ArrayList varList = new ArrayList(vars);
            Collections.sort(varList);               // sort on YParameter ordering value

            for (Object obj : varList) {
                YVariable var = (YVariable) obj;
                org.w3c.dom.Element child = xsd.createElementNS(ns, prefix + "element");
                child.setAttribute("name", var.getName());

                String type = var.getDataTypeName();
                if (XSDType.isBuiltInType(type)) {
                    type = prefix + type;
                else if (YInternalType.isType(type)) {
                    type = prefix + type;
                child.setAttribute("type", type);

                if (var.isOptional()) {
                    child.setAttribute("minOccurs", "0");



            SchemaHandler handler =
                          new SchemaHandler(DOMUtil.getXMLStringFragmentFromNode(xsd));

            if (! handler.compileSchema()) {
                throw new YDataValidationException(
                    "Problem with process model.  Failed to compile schema");

            if (! handler.validate(JDOMUtil.elementToString(data))) {
                throw new YDataValidationException(
                    "Problem with process model.  Schema validation failed");
        catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof YDataValidationException) throw (YDataValidationException) e;

     * @return String representation of the schema
    public String getSchema() {
        return handler.getSchema();

     * @return All error/warning messages relating to the last validation/compilation
    public List<String> getMessages() {
        return handler.getMessages();

     * @return the set of (first-level) type names defined in this schema
    public Set<String> getPrimaryTypeNames() {
        return handler.getPrimaryTypeNames();

     * Utility method to ensure the prefix is valid (enforces : and
     * defaults to xs:)
     * @param prefix to validate
     * @return validated prefix
    private String ensureValidPrefix(String prefix) {
        if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(prefix)) {
            return "xs:";
        else if (! prefix.endsWith(":")) {
            return prefix + ":";
        return prefix;

     * A schema may not have a valid prefix if a spec contains no complex types, so
     * this makes sure it gets one in that case
     * @param schema the schema string to check
     * @return a correctly (or defaultly) prefixed schema string
    private String ensurePrefixedSchema(String schema) {
        if (!schema.contains(":schema")) {
            schema = schema.replaceFirst("schema xmlns", "schema xmlns:xs");
            schema = schema.replaceAll("<", "<xs:")
                           .replaceAll("<xs:/", "</xs:")
                           .replaceAll("type=\"", "type=\"xs:");
        return schema ;

Atau, Anda dapat menyalurkan output ke pager seperti less yang akan menampilkan \r sebagai ^M dan juga dapat membantu Anda mengidentifikasi kalimat yang Anda cari.

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