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Bagaimana Menemukan Informasi yang Diperlukan Dalam Manusia?

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Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan bantuan tentang perintah terminal?

(9 jawaban)
Tutup 3 tahun yang lalu.

man command menampilkan manual yang bagus untuk banyak program, tetapi bagaimana saya bisa menggunakannya dengan lebih efektif? Misalnya man gcc membawa:

       gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler

       gcc [-c|-S|-E] [-std=standard]
           [-g] [-pg] [-Olevel]
           [-Wwarn...] [-Wpedantic]
           [-Idir...] [-Ldir...]
           [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [-Umacro]
           [-foption...] [-mmachine-option...]
           [-o outfile] [@file] infile...

       Only the most useful options are listed here; see below for the
       remainder.  g++ accepts mostly the same options as gcc.
many text

Tetapi bagaimana jika saya hanya membutuhkan sebagian saja? Apa cara terbaik untuk melompat ke bagian di mana -Idir dijelaskan, misalnya?

Jawaban yang Diterima:

Telusuri man halaman dengan menekan / dan string pencarian

man menggunakan penampil less secara default. Anda dapat mencari dalam less dengan menekan / (garis miring), lalu tambahkan string pencarian, dalam contoh Anda -Idir

GCC(1)                                GNU                               GCC(1)

       gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler

       gcc [-c|-S|-E] [-std=standard]
           [-g] [-pg] [-Olevel]
           [-Wwarn...] [-Wpedantic]
           [-Idir...] [-Ldir...]
           [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [-Umacro]
           [-foption...] [-mmachine-option...]
           [-o outfile] [@file] infile...

       Only the most useful options are listed here; see below for the
       remainder.  g++ accepts mostly the same options as gcc.

       When you invoke GCC, it normally does preprocessing, compilation,
       assembly and linking.  The "overall options" allow you to stop this
       process at an intermediate stage.  For example, the -c option says not
       to run the linker.  Then the output consists of object files output by
       the assembler.


Tekan tombol Enter kunci, dan dapatkan kecocokan pertama.

Tekan / (garis miring) dan Enter kunci lagi, ulangi sampai Anda menemukan bagian yang Anda inginkan. Anda juga dapat menekan n untuk pertandingan berikutnya.

           Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
           searched for header files.  This can be used to override a system
           header file, substituting your own version, since these directories
           are searched before the system header file directories.  However,
           you should not use this option to add directories that contain
           vendor-supplied system header files (use -isystem for that).  If
           you use more than one -I option, the directories are scanned in
           left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after.

           If a standard system include directory, or a directory specified
           with -isystem, is also specified with -I, the -I option is ignored.
           The directory is still searched but as a system directory at its
           normal position in the system include chain.  This is to ensure
           that GCC's procedure to fix buggy system headers and the ordering
           for the "include_next" directive are not inadvertently changed.  If
           you really need to change the search order for system directories,
           use the -nostdinc and/or -isystem options.

           Set the directory to search for plugins that are passed by
           -fplugin=name instead of -fplugin=path/  This option is not
           meant to be used by the user, but only passed by the driver.

 Manual page gcc(1) line 10179 (press h for help or q to quit)

Menekan h memberikan gambaran yang bagus tentang perintah yang tersedia.

                   SUMMARY OF LESS COMMANDS

      Commands marked with * may be preceded by a number, N.
      Notes in parentheses indicate the behavior if N is given.
      A key preceded by a caret indicates the Ctrl key; thus ^K is ctrl-K.

  h  H                 Display this help.
  q  :q  Q  :Q  ZZ     Exit.


  e  ^E  j  ^N  CR  *  Forward  one line   (or N lines).
  y  ^Y  k  ^K  ^P  *  Backward one line   (or N lines).
  f  ^F  ^V  SPACE  *  Forward  one window (or N lines).
  b  ^B  ESC-v      *  Backward one window (or N lines).
  z                 *  Forward  one window (and set window to N).
  w                 *  Backward one window (and set window to N).
  ESC-SPACE         *  Forward  one window, but don't stop at end-of-file.
  d  ^D             *  Forward  one half-window (and set half-window to N).
  u  ^U             *  Backward one half-window (and set half-window to N).
  ESC-)  RightArrow *  Left  one half screen width (or N positions).
  ESC-(  LeftArrow  *  Right one half screen width (or N positions).
  F                    Forward forever; like "tail -f".
  ESC-F                Like F but stop when search pattern is found.
  r  ^R  ^L            Repaint screen.
  R                    Repaint screen, discarding buffered input.
        Default "window" is the screen height.
        Default "half-window" is half of the screen height.


  /pattern          *  Search forward for (N-th) matching line.
  ?pattern          *  Search backward for (N-th) matching line.
  n                 *  Repeat previous search (for N-th occurrence).
  N                 *  Repeat previous search in reverse direction.
  ESC-n             *  Repeat previous search, spanning files.
  ESC-N             *  Repeat previous search, reverse dir. & spanning files.
  ESC-u                Undo (toggle) search highlighting.
  &pattern          *  Display only matching lines
        A search pattern may be preceded by one or more of:
        ^N or !  Search for NON-matching lines.
        ^E or *  Search multiple files (pass thru END OF FILE).
        ^F or @  Start search at FIRST file (for /) or last file (for ?).
        ^K       Highlight matches, but don't move (KEEP position).
        ^R       Don't use REGULAR EXPRESSIONS.
HELP -- Press RETURN for more, or q when done

Anda menemukan detail lebih lanjut tentang 'alat bantuan' di tautan berikut

Terkait:Tidak dapat mengubah bahasa kembali ke bahasa Inggris di Kubuntu 19.04?

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